Friday, August 10, 2012

Four books behind.

Goodreads have devised a way to get bookworms get more addicted to reading and it's through the widget "Reading Challenge"
I have promised myself that I will reach my goal this year (which is ONLY 12 books okay!, my previous reading challenge was 24) and I started off pretty good actually.
  • I bought my first book for the year (January 2012) after our midterm examinations but was interrupted because of the University's activities, I finished the book, Norwegian Wood, two months after buying it (which is kind of a fail)
  • I bought 2 books (consecutively) during our Summer class, both were of John Green, I was really happy to always have a book to read.
Time passed by and I forgot to buy new books. Months passed (and due to the consecutive suspension) I. WANT. A. NEW. BOOK.

I feel that my life is beginning to be empty without a book in hand and ready to be indulged in another universe, especially after watching Fight Club (but that's another story). One of these days I'll scavenge book sales for good books to read.

1 comment:

  1. It's really a great feeling to read specially when you have finished a book yourself :))

    thanks for the follow!

    I followed you back btw :)
